Sunday, December 9, 2012

Graduation Day!!!!!!


Wednesday, December 5th

It is here!!!!!

Today, we have our graduation ceremony with our Mozambican brothers who are graduating from Bible School!  Everyone is in great spirits and full of joy!  We have finished!  These last nine weeks have gone by so fast!  I remember being here for the first few weeks and feeling like I was walking around in a daze.  Not really knowing anyone, or what is happening or going on.  Now we really have become family.  Great friendships have been formed, amazing times have been had, laughter has filled the air and tears have flowed.  We really have been very blessed!

I know I have really only spoken of the things that I have done here in Mozambique, like events that have taken place, but so much more has taken place.  Honestly, I don't really know how to put them down on paper to share, which is why you have not heard of them.  God has done some great, great things in me!  He has spoken over and over.  He has showered me with His love!  I have been filled with Joy and Love for Him more than I have known before.  I feel as if I have just been taking so much in.  Like I am a cup that has been being filled up over the last two months.  Honestly, I feel as if I am being poured in so much, that it is hard to possess it all.  I have been doing a lot of soaking ... Just resting in His presence.  I am so thankful that it is not up to me to understand it all and to figure everything out.  That is why I just rest in my Jesus, and let Him do the work.

One of the first things God showed me was that I just need to rest in Him and give him control over my life.  He gave me this picture of me, riding a horse wildly through the fields.  Jesus was sitting on the horse behind me, with his arms around me, holding onto the reins.  Jesus was saying, "Esther, just lean back on my chest, and let me guide the horse."  This picture has been a constant reminder to me throughout the whole school.  Just resting on Him, and letting Him guide me and take me where He wants plans.  

This has been quite the journey!  It has been hard!  It has been good.  It's been a constant struggle with my flesh.  It has been an amazing time with my Jesus!  It has been both really good, and really hard.  Fun times and honestly, terrible times.  I am sad that it is over but at the same time, i am glad.  I think I am more happy that these nine weeks are over - it has been great, but I am ready to start living again!  Ha ha ha - I honestly don't really know how to put down how I am feeling.  It truly is a mixture of feelings! 

I have been very blessed, I have stretched so much and I would not trade any of it for the world! 



Happy Thanksgiving! And, Christmas with Sunscreen?

Friday, November 23rd

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!  I am thinking of you all and how lots of you are out shopping today. :0)  I joked with my sisters that we should go shopping this morning!

Thanksgiving was so much fun here yesterday.  We had a great, big Thanksgiving party, potluck style!  I made a pot of mashed potatoes.  The spread of food was crazy!  We had everything from fish and chicken, to fruit salad, bread rolls, and stuffing.  What an amazing meal!!!  Not only was the food great, but there were so many people eating!  I honestly was praying God would multiply the food!!! Really!  I just kept thinking, This is crazy.  This is crazy!  Ha ha ha.  The great Thanksgiving feast was followed up with a dance party and the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie.  Yesterday was such a great day!!! I had so much fun!!!

It is now Christmastime!!!  Ha ha ha it definitely does not feel like Christmas here - well, Christmas as I know it.  I feel like I am living in a great, long, hot summer!!!  Sunscreen, sunglasses, swimming, sitting in the shade, and eating fresh mango are part of the Christmas season here.  Different, but just as great!

Sorry this post is short and sweet.  I honestly have been having so much fun doing other things than sit on my computer!  So you're just getting a little taste for now.



Immersion: An Overnight Stay in the Village

Saturday, November 17th

Today I got back from immersion.  This is where I spent the night with a mama and her family in the village.  I really had the most wonderful time.  So we (me and three other girls) met our mama on Friday afternoon at 2PM.  Because our mama did not live really close to the base, we got a ride to her house.  It was so beautiful when we arrived.  She lived on a steep hill leading down to the ocean.  The hill was covered in houses and she lived halfway down the hill.  The hill was so steep that the roof of her house was in line with the foundation of the house above her.  And the base of her house was in line with the rooftop of the house below her.  This being said, she had the most amazing view of the ocean!

I will tell you a little bit of her story.  (We know her story because she works for Iris a few days of the week and one of the staff she works with is my group leader.)  She has two kids of her own who are now in their late teens, but while she was living with her husband one of her sisters died so she took in her two children.  The only issue was that her husband was not too happy about the kids so he told her it was either them or him, but she could have have both.  So she left, taking the kids with her.  Iris was there to help her.  They built the house we stayed in.  And just a few week ago another one of her sisters passed away so she brought her four little children to live with her.  Her family was so welcoming and wonderful.  Of course, the little kids are quick to fall in love with you while the older ones hold back a bit more.  By the end, we were good friends (even though we could not speak the same language!).

We arrived a bit after 3PM to her house and after she showed us around we took a trip to the well.  I got to carry the bucket of water on my head ... ha ha ha this was so hard.  Not only to keep the bucket on my head, but also keep the water in the bucket.  All the mamas and the villagers were watching, cheering and laughing me on.  It took me a bit of time to get back to the house but I made it.  And yes, my neck and back hurt, though thankfully once I stretched out a bit I was great!

We spent the evening relaxing in the shade of her house, visiting with her neighbors, and painting the girls' nails.  We ate an amazing meal and went to bed.  I slept with one other girl on a daybed.  It's like a wooden frame with ropes woven across it.  Though I did not sleep the most amazing I ever have, I was happy that I got quite a lot of sleep.  There was a chicken in their house but it was in the other room, as were the mice we heard running around.

Of course, one gets up with the sun, which is at 4:30 AM.  This is really not that early being that you go to bed with the sun as well.  Well, not quite with the sun for it goes down at 5:30 or 6:00 in the evening, but we go to bed a few hours later.  We took a trip in to the village market to get some bread and sugar for breakfast.  Let me tell you, they put so much sugar in their coffee and tea!  It is like drinking a cup of sugar!!!  Ha ha ha.  Again we spent the morning relaxing in the shade of her house.  I braided one of her daughters' hair, African style.  Well, there is really no other way to braid it!  I was so proud of my ability; it turned out so good!  Ha ha ha.

We taught them some worship songs in English and they taught us some songs in Makua.  We prayed with them and blessed them.  After lunch we had to go, for our ride was there to pick us up.  The Mama invited us to come to their church on Sunday, but sadly we are not.  I would love to come, and go [to their church], but it is not going to work out.  Anyways ... That was my wonderful overnighter in the village.



Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mozambique: My Favorite Things

Friday, November 16th

Settling In

I have found that over the past few weeks things have changed for me.  Everything is no longer new.  The people are not new, the activities are not new; the weather is not new.  I am now in the swing of things.  The normal everyday has come.  Yes, every day is still very different from the other days with different combinations of things put together.  But no new events are taking place.  Just a difference set of different combinations of normal events.  :0) Hope that makes sense.

Favorite Things: Visiting the Village 

Let me tell you some of my favorite things!  {The first is] walking in the village.  Often when I go into the villages I am with a group of people and we have a goal in mind.  Like we need to buy some stuff or we are visiting a family, et cetera ... but I just love walking through [the city] with no agenda and seeing where I end up and what I do.  Because of the rules, I cannot go out by myself (if it were not for the rules I would go out into the village by myself often), so we are always in a group of at least 3.  I just love seeing everyone and talking with the mamas and children.  The other day we were walking to the market and a mama came up with a baby and just wanted to show us.  We got to bless and pray for the baby and the mama.  Honestly, I just love that the people are so welcoming and loving.  It is like their first nature, to love.

Medical Outreach 

Last weekend I went out to the bush-bush again but this time with the medical team.  This was very different from the first time that I went.  This time, I just set up the medical tent and hung out with the doctors and the villagers who came for care.  At first I honestly felt so out of place because I don't know how to treat anyone and I can't understand what they are saying.  But as the day went on I felt more helpful.  I got to clean and bandage some wounds.  I sat and just listened to the consultations.  It was a great time.  I asked to go again on the medical trip the weekend of the 29th; hopefully I will be able to go.

The Mozambicans 

I love this place.  God' presence is here!  It really is.  Jesus is everywhere.  His love, His joy, His presence!  Where two or three are gathered He is there.  And there are hundreds of people all hungry and loving and serving God.  He totally dwells here!!! I just love, love, love it!!!


My dear sisters in my house!  I have grown to love them all!  I will miss them so much when I have to head home!  We have become such a great group of friends.  I think we are from seven different nations: US, Canada, Holland, Wales, Sweden, Norway and Malaysia.  We do so much together and have so many great times!


Rain in Mozambique

Friday, November 2nd (I think) Hahaha, like always, I have lost track of time.

Today has been soooo great!  I woke up and it was all cloudy and cool.  I was like this is so great, for it reminds me of home.  Soon it started to rain and it poured buckets of water!  Ha ha ha.  It smelled so great and the rain was crazy.  My roomies ran in the rain and then headed down to the beach to just swim being that they were already all wet.  The rain is so nice for it makes everything very clean.

I am sitting with some of the Mozambicans as I write this; they want me to be sure to tell you what a great day this is with all the rain.  It really only rained for like 20 or 30 minutes but it poured really hard.  It makes the air all clean and fresh.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Best Day in Mozambique So Far! And, a Prayer Request!

Thursday, October 25th 2012

Thursday afternoon.  I think I heard that it is the 25th, but I am not sure.

I have had such a great week so far!  Monday I went to the hospital to visit and pray with people.  One of the boys that I met here got into an accident and is now in the hospital; so I went first to visit and pray for him.  He was happy to see me, I believe, and I was very happy to see him!  I really wanted to visit him earlier but I am not allowed to leave the base unless there are three of us going.  :0(  It is probably a good rule for my safety because I know I would just leave and go on my own!

The hospital was the cleanest one that I have been to outside of the US.  Well, I have only been to two others [outside the US], so maybe it's not a great comparison - but still, I was impressed.  I greatly enjoyed my few hours there visiting and praying with people.  I honestly received much joy from being there and interacting with the patients and their friends and family.  Because I was in the post-surgery room, there were many different ages of patients in the room, though they were all male.  We prayed with a little boy about 3 or 4 all the way up to an older man.  I know I said this, but I got such joy out of just loving the people!  Next time I go in, I plan on taking some sweets.  :0)

Yesterday, Wednesday, I went into town just with a couple of my roomies and a Mozambican friend.  I know I am not so great with words and explaining things is not my gift, so I just want you to know as you read my little story of yesterday that it was one of my best, if not the best day, that I have had so far here in Mozambique.

It started out as normal as any other day, taking a trip into town to visit my friend in the hospital and get some veggies at the market, maybe a little ice cream, and just enjoy the day.

Being that I have been to the hospital earlier, I knew where it was; but our wonderful Mozambican brother took us the scenic route.  He took us all along the ride so we could see the ocean.  It was so beautiful!  He then showed us a place to buy chickens for dinner (though there are places all through the villages where you can get live chickens to eat), and took us back to the hospital.  So apparently there are visiting hours, which I did not know, so I just go walking in to see my friend.  :0)  But we were soon told to leave because it was not visiting hours.  But we got to talk with friend for about five minutes before we were shown the door.  Ha ha, it was funny.

Once we got our ice cream and cokes, we headed to the veggie market.  But when we arrived our wonderful guide said he could show us another place that was cheaper,  And of course I was up for it (though I was not buying anything, I always love going to new places).  He ended up taking us to the real Mozambican market, where the locals shop.  It was amazing!!!!!  I LOVED IT!!!!  I was in heaven, I thought!  Ha ha ha!  There were so many barakas with everything from clothes, to ice cream, to car parts, to veggies ... It was so big!!!  So many little stands.  :0)  I just walked through in amazement.  I received many marriage proposals then!  Our guide just laughed and thought it was so funny!  The word wife sounds like how they say America, so at first we just thought they were asking if we were from America so we said, "Yes, we are from America."  Ha ha ha!! I don't know how we left without being married!  Ha ha ha now that I have been there I really want to go back and honestly don't think I want to shop anyplace else.  The only problem is that I am not sure how to get back.  I know the area in which it is and I am sure I could find it by wandering around, but there are so many little pathways that we took to get there and back I know I would be lost at least for a bit.

After we were done with our shopping, we walked back to Iris base through the village (we took a bus there).  This again was so great!  Just walking through all the villages and greeting everyone.  Always hearing "Akoonya, akoonya!" said with lots of excitement.  They want you to greet them and wave, and not just the kids or the men but the women as well.  They would just laugh and smile real big when we spoke to them in their language.  I cannot say it enough:  I loved it!!!

When we got back, I told our wonderful guide that I felt like it was Christmas day, and he just gave me the best gift ever!!! It truly was a great, great day!!!!

And i just want to note that our Mozambican brother did not go to town with us as our guide.  I was talking to him right before we left and he asked to come along, and I said of course!!!  He just ended up being out amazingly wonderful guide!  Again, I said this earlier, but this truly was one of my best days here in Mozambique so far!  I greatly love getting to know the people and living with them!

This is a little side note but I originally signed up to do the ten day bush-bush outreach in December, but I am not thinking I may just live in the village with one of the families for ten days.  Anyways, you could be in prayer with me for that if you would like.

Blessings, blessings, blessings on my dear family and friends!!!


Relaxing Weekend: Ice Cream, Soccer, Akoonya!

the 'lost' files: dear friends, Esther sent me, her stateside friend-with-a-computer, these journal notes possibly in October, but I somehow did not find them until now.  My apologies for not getting them up in real time!  

Monday morning. 

I just had an amazing, relaxing weekend.  I had nothing to do so I just relaxed and did whatever.  

On Friday morning, one of my Mozambican friends took me to his family's house in the village.  It was my first time walking through the village, and good thing I had a guide for I would have been lost.  It seemed like [there was] no pattern or real pathway at all, just little walking paths through the houses and bamboo-fenced yards.  I got an invitation to come back for dinner :0)  They want to make me matapa (not sure how to spell it, but that is what it sounds like).  I believe I said this earlier but I will say it again - everyone is so nice here. Everyone greets everyone else and has big smiles.  I hear akoonya all the time, ha ha ha, it means white person. Ha ha!  :0)  I just love it.  

On Saturday I took the bus into town/the city just for something to do.  I just enjoy getting out and being among the people.  And riding the bus is very cheap, and great fun!  Like always, the motto is, "One more can always fit!"  Ha ha, it's great!  Our Mozambican guide took us to get some ice cream!  It was so so so so good!!!!! For only 5 mets which is like $0.25.  I told him I could eat a big bowl of it and he was like, "What??"  He thought it was strange that in America we eat bowls of ice cream, not just a little cup of it.  

Also on weekends there are many games of soccer and basketball played.  They have great fun when it is the Mozambican pastors against the Harvest School boys!  The games are so fun to watch!  Ha ha ha everyone is so excited when their team gets a score.  Us akoonyas have yet to win, though this last game we tied 6-6.  So you can understand just how great this last game went.  

After the service yesterday (Sunday), my roomies and I just hing out in the shade talking and singing some songs with our Mozambican brothers.  I have said this before and will say it again, it was a great time!!!  Honestly, I have been enjoying it very much here and I don't like thinking about when I will be getting on the plane to head home so I try not to. :0(  But I know that God's plans are best so I will follow where He leads.  

Once the heat of the day passed, we took a walk down the beach and stopped for some ice cream at the Dolphin and got some bananas for chocolate-banana pancakes.  

The week always seems very full and busy so having weekends where it is open to do whatever is so wonderful.  I am writing this before class and once I head to class, my day is going to be very full and will pass by very quickly.  

Blessings until next time! 


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Joy Unspeakable

Thursday, October 18th

Last night we had a worship/testimony time with the Harvest School students, the Mozambican Bible School Students, missionaries, and really whoever wanted to come.  I love these meetings that we have!

Everyone comes together to worship and pray.  Last night started with worshiping Jesus just by singing, but it soon turned into a large dance party! :0)  (This is how I am burning off all the calories I am eating.  Ha ha!)  It was so much fun!  Dancing, jumping, running, skipping around the church in worship!  I have never worshiped and rejoiced in Jesus this way before and I wonder why not?  I know that in the United States we are very dignified in how we worship and do church but this was really joy unspeakable!  Joy overflowing! JOY in the LORD JESUS!!!!! I was out of breath, hot and sweaty and having the time of my life!!!

That night I walked out of the church thinking of David dancing in the streets as he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem and how he said, "I will celebrate before the LORD.  I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes" (II Samuel 6:21-22).  Dancing before the Lord is very new to me.  I love it but it is a bit out of my comfort zone (hahaha).  It really is freedom and joy in Jesus!  I want to become even more undignified than this.  Worshiping last night in the church was amazing... and this was no short meeting, it lasted about three hours!  :0)



Weather, Breakfast, and a Little Sweat & Dirt!

Wednesday, October 17th-ish I think

It is strange to sit here and type that it is October, for the weather here is very different than October weather back home in Washington state.  Home, the air is crisp and cold, and it only gets colder and wetter as time goes on.  Here, it is getting hotter and hotter each week.  Thank the Lord we are right on the beach so we get the wonderful cool breeze off the water.  I think this is the hardest thing for me to get used to.  I love it, but it is really hot!!! Hahaha, and from what I am told it is just going to get hotter.  Pray that my body adjusts well to the warm temperature! Haha.

The other morning it rained for like five minutes.  It was early morning while I was still in bed so I laid there listening to it hit the tin roof.  It was a taste of home!  Not that I am homesick at all :0)  I am loving every minute of my time here and taking it all in knowing in the back of my mind and heart I will be heading home eventually and have to leave this all behind, other than in my heart.

Just the other day I helped in the kitchen in the morning for breakfast.  Well, being that they don't make breakfast (they buy bread rolls and add PB&J) we just got all the food ready and in the kitchen for the whole day.  We had seventeen bags of about twenty-five pounds each of rice.  I am guessing the size for I am not sure what the bags weighed.  Also we had fish, potatoes, lots of packets of seasonings, plus lots of other food.  :0)  Crazy how much food is made in one day!

Water and electricity are both off and on now.  I am learning that my hair does not need to be washed every day or even every other day :0)  I am also learning that sweat and dirt are a part of me everywhere I go!  I really don't mind.  Haha!  The one thing about the power being off that I am not such a fan of is that I cannot charge my camera battery.   I do love taking pictures and now some of the kids want their video taken so it uses up my battery even faster.  But again, it's all good. :0)



Saturday, October 20, 2012

Weekend in the Bush: Outreach!

Sunday October ?? (hahaha .. I have no idea the actual date today.)

It has been a while since I have last written, sorry about that.  Much has happened, both great things and not so great things.  I will start with the not so great things. hahahaha!

I have already gotten two sandworms in my feet!  ha ha ha, I was so grossed out when I first heard that I could get worms that I prayed and prayed that I would not get them.  But I got two within the first two weeks of being here.  The good part is that I am now great at removing them (it only took once to become an expert)! :0) Ha ha ha so if any of my house sisters get them I will be ready and willing to remove them!  :0) (As it turns out, they are not as bad as I was originally thinking they would be.  Praise the Lord.  I can honestly say I don't mind if I get any more!)

Now for the good/great/amazing news...

This past weekend (Thursday, Friday and Saturday), I went out on a bush-bush outreach.  It was so, so great!  God is/was so good!  The drive to the township (I honestly don't know what to call it) was about 2.5 hours or so.  And just to note, so you know, there were about twelve students, and 15 Mozambican Bible school students and pastors.  We were about an hour into our trip when we came upon a hit-and-run accident where a little 6-year-old boy was hit by a car and extremely injured.  Thankfully, we had a doctor with us (one of the students), and she was able to give direction and what-not.  We ended up loading out of the vehicle and waiting in the township for two hours while the others took the little boy to the hospital.  And, of course, because there is a group of white people standing around on the side of the road, it gathered a crowd!  We were able to minister to the people.  Someone shared about the love of Jesus and that we want to show His love, and one way to do that is by taking their friend to the hospital.  We did a drama of Jesus healing the blind beggars and then asked if anyone wanted prayer for healing. :0)  We then got to pray for many people who wanted healing!  We prayed for headaches, body pains, back pains, and knee pains.  We would pray and then ask how they were feeling and if they said "a little better," we would pray again.  Jesus healed one lady we prayed for who had pains in her body; although I would not see the healing physically with my eyes, I knew she was healed because after the "Amen" she had a huge smile on her face and started jumping and clapping!  It was a party!

We said our goodbyes when our ride returned and continued on our way.  We arrived after dark and set up camp (we stayed in tents).  So much happened the whole weekend; I wish I could write it all down, but it would take forever and you would probably get bored so I will just give you my highlights... I don't even really want to say they are highlights, because the whole trip was amazing!!  But, to give you a picture, I'll share a few stories.

Weekend in the Bush Highlights

Friday, we got to go around to the different houses and pray for people.  We sat, prayed, and loved on one old grandma who was blind.  Though she did not receive her sight, she did receive the love of Jesus into her life and heart!  We sat with her and her family for about an hour, just giving them love!  It was so peaceful, and full of His love!

I also got to pray for a little boy about two years old, who was an orphan which a little grandma had taken in.  This little boy touched my heart as I held him and prayed for him.  You could tell that he had mental problems and was not growing and maturing normally; he was such a sweet little boy!

Friday afternoon we did a kids' program, which really everyone comes to so it is not just the kids.  Ha ha - this was a blast!  They love, love, love to dance!!  So we danced a lot!  They love to see a white person dance, and they just laugh and have a great time.  We told Bible stories and did a drama, played games, and sang songs!  Some of the pastors and Mozambican men really have a heart and a gift for the kids!

That night we showed the Jesus film.  I found myself sitting in the dirt with the kids and mamas watching the film of Jesus' life.  I just sat and looked through the darkness at the large crowd of people sitting and standing in the dirt and a prayer went up from my heart asking Lord, let me stay here.  I felt such peace and so much of the Father's love in that moment.

We spent lots of time praying for healings and salvations that night.  We ended with a great dance party in the dirt.  The dust was rising so much!  It was great!!  Everyone was having a great time - - God is so good!!

There are many more things I could share - but I'll just wait 'till I come home to tell you more.  I am really looking forward to my next bush-bush outreach.



Saturday, October 6, 2012

Settling In - Without Running Water!

Thursday, October 4th

I still have not been to town where I could get internet, so this may be a bit behind by the time you read it.  :0)  Much has happened since Sunday.  I am staying busy for the most part; classes are in the morning from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM or later depending.  Wednesday, all of us Harvest School students were put into groups with the Mozambican Bible students.  We had a great evening full of games, dinner, dancing, serving ... They love to sing and dance!

So far I have learned three greeting words. :0)  Ha ha ha so at least I can say hello, how are you, and I am good.  My luggage finally arrived on Tuesday!  Praise the Lord.  I could have made it with my carry-on but having all my stuff has been great!!!

I got to wash my hair once before the water went out - yes, the water turned off!  I now have no running water.  This means bucket showers, using the latrines, washing hands with a cup of water - basically saving water any way you can.  I washed my hair this morning with about a quart of water total.  Crazy!  I do believe there is a well someplace on the property, I just have to find it.  I will be needing to wash clothes here soon so hopefully, there is.  :0)  Who knows how long the water will be out - they say it could be a week or three weeks.

I just finished dinner and yes, it was rice and beans! Ha ha but it was great!  I ate Mozambican style, which is with my fingers!! :0)  Ha ha ... it was great!!

Sorry my letter is so choppy with not many details!  My brain is not focusing very well.  It is going all over the place.  Thank you all for your prayers!!!!!!!!!!! I sosososososososo appreciate them all!!!!!


Safe Arrival in Pemba - but missing one important thing!!

Sunday, September 30th

As I write this it is 9:30 PM Sunday night, the 30th.  It is now cool out and feels very comfortable.

This is the second night here in Pemba and I am still experiencing jet lag.  But let me back up and catch you up on my flights here.  I flew from Seattle to Detroit, from Detroit to Amsterdam, and then on to Johannesburg where I stayed the night at Bob's Bunk House.  I flew out the next morning into Pemba.  On the first four-hour flight I was already ready to be out of the plane!  Ha ha!  I met up with a gal and two guys in Amsterdam and traveled the rest of the way with them.  On a side note, Bob's Bunk House was great!!! If you're traveling to South Africa and need a place to stay, I would recommend staying there.

My flight into the very small airport in Pemba was short and sweet: it was only two hours and I slept the whole time. :0)  Upon arriving I patiently waited for my luggage to arrive ... and it never came around the little belt.  Thankfully, I packed some stuff in my carry-on so I am surviving; and everyone is very generous in sharing their things with me.

Church this morning was in three different languages and lasted over four hours.  I danced, sweated, worshiped, and prayed along with a ton of other people.  I will say it was great having people dancing in front of me so I could just follow along. :0) After church, we had lunch of rice and beans which is the main dish here in Pemba.  The only way it could have been better would be if there were a little salsa added to it.  (It's the exact same beans and rice as my mom makes.)  It was so warm, and with a full stomach I was easily lulled to sleep, which thankfully was just a quick nap.

I finished my evening with a walk to the beach where three girls decided to braid my hair.  They just wanted to touch it and play with it - by the end of all this, my head was a big frizz ball, hahaha!  But the girls just thought it was great.

The day is now nice and cool and feels amazing after the heat of the middle of the day (though from what I hear, it will be even hotter later on - but hopefully I will be a little more used to it by then).

I just wanted to give you a quick update on my time here so far.  Not too many details but, an idea of what has been happening.  As I write this I actually do not have internet so I will post it once I do - maybe tomorrow or the next day depending on if I head to town or to the airport to look for my luggage.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I am so excited to tell you what God is doing in my life and where He is leading me! In less then a month, on September 27th, I will be leaving for Mozambique Africa for three months!! God has been speaking this into my heart for many years and even more so over this past year.

The Call:

As many of you know that I have felt the Lord’s call on my life, in particular missions and Africa. I have held onto this call, leaving it in His hands, trusting in His timing, and staying ready and willing. Last summer when I had the opportunity to go to Swaziland for a few weeks God gave me this verse: Isaiah 55:10 &11.
"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
 and do not return to it without watering the earth  
and making it bud and flourish, 
 so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
 It will not return to me empty,
 but will accomplish what I desire
 and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

God will complete what He started!!! I have held onto this verse over the past year, trusting  that the word/call He gave me to return to Africa would come about.

The Place:

Pemba, Mozambique. I will be going to the Harvest School of Missions, which is apart of Rolland and Heidi Bakers ministry.  Here is the web page if your interested in learning more about what they are doing. 

What I will be doing:

I will be taking part of the Harvest School of Mission. The classes run from October 1st to December 5th. Here is what the school is about (taken from the student manual): “It is a school to train and equip a new breed of missionaries, a generation of laid-down lovers who will run into the darkest corners of the earth, call on the outcasts, bring in His Bride and compel the poor to come to the wedding feast.” In addition to the classes I will be helping out in one of the different areas of ministry, which includes evangelism, Bible schools, medical clinics, primary and secondary schools, farming, vocational training, church planting, bush conferences, counseling, and child sponsorship. Of course I would love to be helping in the medical clinics but we will see once I get there. After the 5th of December I will be going on an extended bush outreach, and then will be spending the Christmas season back in Pemba.


I would so appreciate all of your prayers while I am on this trip. Yes for safety but even more so for the Lords presence and power to be with me, working through me, and touching the lives of those around me. Pray that I continue to walk in His presence and life by faith!!!

I am trusting the Lord with the finances for this trip. I know that He called me, He provided this opportunity/open door, and He will pay for this trip!
If you have any questions or would like to chat I would love to talk with you more!!! And I would love to share more of my story with you!!